International MBA

EAE Business School
0 €
Máster y postgrado
Descripción del curso
The business world and the very dynamic and highly competitive current situation of economic uncertainty demands qualified professionals with solid knowledge of different management areas and, moreover, with personal and professional skills, such as versatility, adaptability, reflection, determination and creativity. What are the benefits of taking an International MBA? The International MBA is the managerial training program par excellence, which trains its participants to reach positions of responsibility in a company by means of acquiring the managerial skills required for the management of companies and institutions. As such, apart from management training, an MBA ensures recognition from the entire business community. Therefore, it is the best program to gain and consolidate new tools and knowledge, through experience that facilitate the transition towards a better job in our professional careers.  The  International MBA  has been designed so that participants can enhance and increase their knowledge in business management and administration, work with the main management tools and strengthen their managerial skills and competences. It is a management Master’s degree focused on understanding all areas involved in the management of organisations, with a complete overview of the company, the way it functions and how it is organised. All of this is enriched by the networking opportunities available with the other participating professionals, our teaching staff and the professionals invited to our conferences, discussions and activities, which are crucial for enhancing professional positioning. El alumno tendrá la opción, al finalizar el período lectivo en Barcelona o Madrid, de realizar una estancia residencial de dos semanas de duración en Pace University (New York). 
Module 1 Environment and Global Markets Business, government, and international economics - 6 ECTS Sales management - 6 ECTS Module 2 People Management Leadership, behavior and social responsibility - 6 ECTS Human Resources Management - 6 ECTS Module 3 Strategic Resources Financial management - 6 ECTS Technology and operations management - 6 ECTS Module 4 Strategic Management Strategic management - 6 ECTS Comprehensive company analysis - 6 ECTS Module 5 Minor Minor - 10 ECTS Module 6 Internship Internship - 6 ECTS Module 7 MBA Thesis MBA Thesis - 6 ECTS
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