(49 cursos)

Listado de cursos de training management


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Máster gestión de la formación (training management). dirección y desa...

Los titulados del máster en training management estarán capacitados para: -diseñar, implantar y gestionar planes de formación y gestión del conocimiento que den...
Escuela Europea de Formación Continua. EEFC.

curso de management skills de vértice training

Vértice Training

Master in project management (eng)

Project scope management... scope management processes... project management office (pmo)... project management knowledge areas... scope project management plan...

Msc international sport management (online)

Temario completo de este curso semester one sustainable stadium and event management (20 credits) this module aims to explore current and future issues around sustainable...

Master in marketing and sales management

The master in marketing and sales management is designed to enable you to transform market challenges and opportunities into competitive advantages for the company...
EAE Business School

Master in project management

Budget proficiency: knowing, selecting and adequately using the tools required for the effective management of project budgets... pmi certification: successfully...

Master in financial management

These circumstances have radically transformed the role of finance management in companies... accordingly, academic training in this area will enable anyone who...
EAE Business School

Mba in hospitality and tourism management (official) - barcelona - eng...

training the future leaders of the global hospitality and tourism industry... integrating the main spheres of tourism management from an interdisciplinary and comprehensive...
Ostelea School of Tourism & Hospitality

Bachelor degree in business administration and management + degree in ...

The teaching structure is aimed at giving the students the necessary knowledge so that, once the training is over, they can access the job arena with the sufficient...
Esic Business & Marketing School

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Bachelor degree in business administration and management

The eae's bachelor's degree in business administration and management with participants receiving the qualification from the universitat politècnica de catalunya...
EAE Business School

Master in international management of tourism

Executive training... sustainable innovation and management... the master in international tourism management will give you the following benefits: - insight into...
Ostelea School of Tourism & Hospitality - URJC

Master of science in management (specialization in operations and supp...

Who is it for? the msc in management (specialization in operations and supply chaing management) is aimed at recent graduates and junior professionals with the following...
UPF - Barcelona School of Management

Master in international sports management

This specialized master has been designed with the main objective of training the student to direct and manage sports organizations and/or events in a global environment...
ESBS European Sport Business School

Master of science in management (specialization in entrepreneurship)

Who is it for? the msc in management (specialization in entrepreneurship) is aimed at recent graduates and junior professionals with the following academic backgrounds:...
UPF - Barcelona School of Management

Master of science in management (specialization in business analytics)

Who is it for? the msc in management (specialization in business analytics) is aimed at recent graduates and junior professionals with the following academic backgrounds: ...
UPF - Barcelona School of Management

Master of science in management (specialization in marketing)

Who is it for? the master of science in management (specialization in marketing) is aimed at recent graduates and junior professionals with the following academic...
UPF - Barcelona School of Management

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Training management

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