(36 cursos)

Listado de cursos de the passive


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Inglés nivel avanzado (iv)

Rewrite the following text using the passive voicee 2... 8 complete the text using the passive form of the verbs in brackets 2... 2 match the words with the definitions...

Curso de inglés national geographic interactivo nivel medio - a2-b1

Parts of the body... predicting the future of cities... making your way through the airport... discussing the best age for life transitions... making small talk...

Ingles b1

Video: the united kingdom ver más... reading: in the white house writing: my ideal home speaking practice video: national parks second conditional prepositions types...
Rodoia 2000 S.L.

Inglés online: b1 con tutor en campus virtual oficial de la...

To introduce a statement and involve the other person in the ver más... to involve others • understand a conversation with a personal trainer • understand a discussion...
English with Cambridge

Inglés online: b2 con tutor en campus virtual oficial de la...

Vocabulario: • expressions used in giving presentations (as you’ll see on the slide... open-minded, pushy, talkative) • formal verbs (obtain, withhold, accuse) interacción...
English with Cambridge

Master en design for virtual reality

the immersive design program uses digital technologies through the fusion of disciplines of diverse creative expressions that will form the future media to interact...
IED Barcelona Istituto Europeo di Design.

Inglés cae en campus virtual oficial de la universidad de cambridge

• use passive verb complements... • discuss the usefulness of robots... unit 6 objetivos: • talk about being independent, the psychology of attraction, and the brain...
Escuela Europea de Formación Continua. EEFC.

Curso de inglés publishing nivel intermedio b1+

the day of the dead... dick summers-special effects supervisor, using the remote control, tokyo teens, curricular cut (literature): the war of the worlds...

Inglés c 1

Requisitos tener nivel b 2 de inglés temario completo de este curso vocabulario politics politicians parties and governments elections the media the written press...
Escuela Europea de Formación Continua. EEFC.

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Inglés nivel c1 - online

Temario completo de este curso vocabulario politics politicians parties and governments elections the media the written press radio and television press the role...
Cursos Audiolís

Ingles autoestudio b1 universidad cambridge online

To introduce a statement and involve the other person in the topic ver más... to involve others • understand a conversation with a personal trainer • understand...
English with Cambridge

Ssce05 inglés c1

the passive unidad didáctica 6... reading: ready for the olympics 6... just what the doctor ordered 1... listening transcript: visiting the doctor 9...
Instituto Europeo de Periodismo y Comunicación

Ingles autoestudio b2 universidad cambridge online

El curso cubre todas las destrezas del idioma: • expresión oral / speaking • expresión escrita / writing • comprensión auditiva / listening • comprensión lectora...
English with Cambridge

Inglés b 2

Requisitos tener nivel b 1 de inglés temario completo de este curso vocabulario politics politicians parties and governments elections the media the written press...
Escuela Europea de Formación Continua. EEFC.

Inglés nivel b2 - online

the role of the press... the media the written press... the fight against crime... crime and the law... working conditions the job market... time expressions...
Cursos Audiolís

Curso de inglés técnico aplicado a la geología

the passive voice... the job interview... vocabulary, reading and listening/viewing: hydrogeology, the water cycle, the groundwater system, groundwater modelling...

Inglés para hispanoparlantes 6

Inventions around the world... passive voice biography autobiography unidad 3 future will future continuous future perfect predicting the future with will, future...
CLEA-Colegio Latinoamericano de Educación Avanzada

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The passive

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