(46 cursos)

Listado de cursos de the master global management


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Máster en international business management (eng)

the subject focuses on the analytical approach of the global business environment... topics covered: the cultural dimension of international management management...

Máster en biotecnologia con mención en global project management (vi e...

the objective of the program is to acquire the knowledge in scientific and regulatory, from early stage to late stage drug development, achieving the new approvals...
Universidad de Barcelona and Biotechnology Business Institute

Master in human resources management full time

the master in human resource management is designed to equip human resource professionals to respond to the needs and challenges of the market from the perspective...
EAE Business School

Master in human resources management

the master in human resources management is designed to meet the following objectives: 1... global management: learning, understanding and developing the importance...

Master in financial risk management.

the master in financial risk management has as a main objective to provide participants with a coherent understanding of financial risks and equipping the students...
CIFF - Universidad de Alcalá

Master in financial management

these circumstances have radically transformed the role of finance management in companies... the role of the finance manager is, and will continue to be, critical...
EAE Business School

Master in marketing management (english)

Having successfully passed the evaluations and with the minimum attendance required, the student receives a diploma in master in marketing management of insa business...
INSA Business, Marketing & Communication School

Master in marketing and sales management

the master in marketing and sales management is designed to enable you to transform market challenges and opportunities into competitive advantages for the company...
EAE Business School

Master in project management

Strategic management: insight into the key aspects of strategic project management and its importance within the global strategy of the organization...

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Master in integral logistics: operations and supply chain management

In addition the student must have obtained the minimum grade specified in the final project... train professionals in the various fields covered by the program:...
INSA Business, Marketing & Communication School

Master in project management (full time)

In short, project directors who can align the present needs of companies in terms of project management with the current requirements stipulated in the global standard...
EAE Business School

Master in marketing management mim (100% english)

the programme takes place in barcelona... this master has been offered for more than twenty years and its contents are improved each year by teachers and business...
ESIC, Business&Marketing School (Barcelona)

Master in design management

Develop proficiency in using the tools provided... assist designers and non-designers in understanding how design management can contribute to the creation of sustainable...
IED Barcelona Istituto Europeo di Design.

Master in international sports management

This specialized master has been designed with the main objective of training the student to direct and manage sports organizations and/or events in a global environment...
ESBS European Sport Business School

Mit zaragoza master of engineering in logistics and supply chain manag...

the mit zaragoza master of engineering in logistics and supply chain management (zlog) offers the unique combination of a world class supply chain degree taught...
Zaragoza Logistics Center - ZLC

Master global en dirección de hoteles, turismo y restauración

Facility management... the uniform system of accounts for the lodging indsutry... planes directores / project management... hotel revenue & yield management b...
Esden Business School

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The master global management

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