The 150 Most Important Irregular Verbs in English. Volume 1. (Verbs 1 50)

Descripción del curso
Description: - 50 on demand video lessons (8 mins each = 7 hours total) - You´ll master the present, past and Participle of the verbs - Pronounciation, confidence & fluency improvement - Native English Speakers (From the US). Voices: Kristen, Will and Chris. - 100 quizes (as part of the video lessons) Hi! I'm Carlos. I'm a Trilingual Instructor, and I can't wait to help you improve your fluency, and other skills in speaking English. When I designed this course, I put myself where you are now. I know the challenges you are facing while trying to gain fluency in your speech. That is why I have applied the techniques that will help you boost your english level.   Irregular verbs are a very important part of every day conversation. This course will help you get familiar with the most common Irregular Verbs used in real speech. All the sample sentences, pronunciation excercises and quizes, will help you master those verbs.  Every minute you dedicate to the course will be worthwhile. The time you spend mastering them will have a direct effect on your fluency. You´ll see immediate results! Why this course? It is not a secret that Irregular Verbs are hard to learn. So when English learners try to use the verbs in a professional situation it is very embarrassing not to use the right conjugation, and your chances to give a good impression to potential employers are gone. I hope this course can help you improve your communication skills, and give you a better chance to get your dreammed job. Enjoy your learning! Do not hesitate to ask any questions you may have.  Support available in: English Spanish French
An English Course Based on Irregular Verbs. (Intermediate Level)
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