(76 cursos)Listado de cursos de pronunciation
English pronunciation for spanish speakers - curso de inglés
Common pronunciation errors - part 2... common pronunciation errors - part 1... word endings - which sound ed, t, d?... evite errores comunes de pronunciación cometidos...Curso de inglés national geographic interactivo nivel medio - a2-b1
Enough, not enough, too + adjective: he was old enough to sail alone vocabulary: physical and mental challenges... will + time clauses: i´ll check out the neighborhood...Curso online de inglés b2
Writing a complaint email/letter pronunciation homographs... alternatives to if writing an article pronunciation contractions... have/get something done writing...Inglés: aprender inglés gradualmente nivel intermedio medio
pronunciation a and an actividad práctica: practice the use of a / an / some actividad práctica: practice the use of a / an /many /much summary countable and uncountable...Ingles profesional para turismo
The learner will practice the terms in the exercises and a record of their pronunciation will be generated to monitor the progress made and encourage reflection...Inglés b2 (2ª parte)
pronunciation reference... pronunciation of -ed... gradation of adverbs... about prepositions... grammar reference... leisure: travelling... narrative tenses...Transform your english: 10 steps to your english success
pronunciation = transformed... 1 why + what + how + when & where... 3 communication = transformed... 2 connect + connect + connect... 2 body language basics...Inglés para todos - primer nivel
English pronunciation (la pronunciación del inglés)... personal hygiene activities quiz... estarás listo/a para entender y participar en conversaciones básicas y...American english level i - block 1 (alicante)
As well as introducing the essential structures and vocabulary necessary to talk about the topic areas mentioned, the learner is encouraged to practice pronunciation...¿Quieres encontrar cursos?
American english level iii - block 1 (alicante)
As with the other blocks on the course, there is frequent pronunciation practice and the learner has exposure to long and short sound...American english level iii - block 2 (alicante)
As with the other blocks on the course, there is frequent pronunciation practice and the lea... in this block the learner will practice the narrative tenses (past...American english level iii - block 3 (alicante)
As with the other blocks on the course, there is frequent pronunciation practice and the learner has exposure to lo... in this block the learner will start to notice...¿Quieres encontrar cursos?
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