(63 cursos)

Listado de cursos de present continuous


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Inglés nivel pre-intermedio (ii)

present simple or present continuous 2... 5 the present continuous tense 2... 5 the present continuous tense 7... 3 the present perfect tense 5...

Inglés online: a2 con tutor en campus virtual oficial de la...

) using the past continuous and myself, yourself, etc... ? • agree to requests unit 9 objetivos: • tell anecdotes about things that went wrong using the past continuous...
English with Cambridge

Inglés total. aprende más de 3000 vocablos en una semana!

present perfect continuous... present continuous (presente continuo)... present perfect continuous - ejercicios... present continuous (presente continuo) - ejercicios...

Inglés - todos los niveles

present continuous... present continuous and simple present... present continuous: present and future... short answers: present continuous and simple present tense...
Master Classes

Ingles b1

Reading: making life choices writing: describe an event that changed your life speaking practice video: climate change present perfect continuous prepositions review...
Rodoia 2000 S.L.

Inglés online: a1 con tutor en campus virtual oficial de la...

? • make suggestions with let’s • say me too or me neither to show things in common • say right or i know to agree • read a guide to new york city • write a city...
English with Cambridge

Inglés básico

present continuous negative... present continuous interrogative... lesson 5 present continuous affirmative... vocabulary: the weather... questions words...
Euroconsulting Servicio de Prevención Ajeno

Inglés level 3

Ar temario completo de este curso level 3: contrast: simple present and present continuous... present perfect for indefinite past... possessive pronouns: mine, yours...
Master Classes

curso de inglés a2 de impulso 7

A lo largo del temario estudiará: formas comparativa y superlativa - preposiciones de movimiento o dirección - imperativos - present simple - present continuous...
Impulso 7

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Curso de inglés national geographic interactivo nivel medio - a2-b1

Past continuous tense: we were eating dinner when you called... present continuos tense: i eat rice every day/ she´s cooking fisth now... parts of the body...

Inglés para hispanoparlantes 2

Temario completo de este curso unidad 1 simple present daily routines simple past past events yes/no questions regular and irregular verbs conjunctions health problems...
CLEA-Colegio Latinoamericano de Educación Avanzada

Inglés para hispanoparlantes 3

Focus verbs (present, past and past participle) in the correct tenses: simple present, simple past, present continuous, present perfect and future...
CLEA-Colegio Latinoamericano de Educación Avanzada

Inglés online: b1 con tutor en campus virtual oficial de la...

To involve others • understand a conversation with a personal trainer • understand a discussion about a job advertisement • read an article about preparing for a...
English with Cambridge

Inglés comercial

Temario completo de este curso tema 1: the situation nouns, verbs and adjectives prepositions past simple tema 2: travel arrangements noun + noun expressions infinitivo...
Centro de Estudios Luis Vives

Inglés nivel intermedio (iii)

present perfect simple or present perfect continuous 2... past perfect continuous 5... 21 complete the phrases using the present perfect 5...

Inglés level 4

Negative yes-no questions and tag questions verb (+object) + infinitive the passive quantifiers (a lot of, a few, a little, many, much) verb + gerund or verb + infinitive...
Master Classes

Curso de inglés a2

Rnunit 1 - formas comparativa y superlativa - preposiciones de movimiento o dirección - imperativosrnunit 2 - present simple - present continuous - pronombres posesivos...
CGD E-learning Center

Ingles autoestudio a2 universidad cambridge online

) using the past continuous and myself, yourself, etc... ? • agree to requests unit 3 objetivos: • tell anecdotes about things that went wrong using the past continuous...
English with Cambridge

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Present continuous

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