(10 cursos)Listado de cursos de politics
Economia i finances
Per a això et formaràs en teoria econòmica i estadística, ampliaràs els teus coneixements en matemàtiques aplicades a les finances i et formaràs en micro i macroeconomia...Executive mba in english
Information and communication technologies play multiple roles within an organizational context: a) from a technological perspective, they define the information...Máster universitario en enseñanza bilingue/bilingual education
History and politics in bilingual education... language acquisition and the early development ofbilingualism... aprenderás a crear y adaptar materiales y herramientas...Inglés b 2
Requisitos tener nivel b 1 de inglés temario completo de este curso vocabulario politics politicians parties and governments elections the media the written press...Inglés c 1
Requisitos tener nivel b 2 de inglés temario completo de este curso vocabulario politics politicians parties and governments elections the media the written press...Inglés nivel c1 - online
Temario completo de este curso vocabulario politics politicians parties and governments elections the media the written press radio and television press the role...Inglés nivel b2 - online
Vocabulario politics politicians... pronunciación inglesa ver más... the role of the press... infinitive and -ing forms... conditionals: de tipo 1, 2 y 3...Inglés b2
Gramática- the passive- prepositional... televised debate on education... holiday choices... the media: the televised news... leisure: a visit to the louvre museum...Inglés c1
Europe: getting off to a good start; travelling with food stuffs; youth... getting on with people: attitudes towards work; attitudes towards life; attitudes towards...¿Quieres encontrar cursos?
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