Máster Desarrollo Java 8: JAVA SE 8 Programming OCP

Cas Training
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Lenguajes de Programación
Descripción del curso
Nuestros cursos Oficiales están basados en métodos docentes que facultan al profesor y orientan al alumno con el fin de conseguir un proceso evolutivo favorable de aprendizaje que permita mantener a los alumnos motivados y estimulados positivamente. Detección de las necesidades: Se realiza un análisis del mercado laboral actual, y con las carencias observadas, se desarrollan los planes de formación. Plan de acción: Su diseño radica en que los contenidos estén siempre acorde con su temporalización y permitan el tiempo necesario para la asimilación de los conceptos. También se desarrolla el material didáctico y la documentación oficial de acuerdo con las materias; incorporando a las aulas la última tecnología necesaria. Proceso formativo: Se ejecutan distintas metodologías según el momento. Ninguna es excluyente de la otra, sino que se combinan y desarrollan según la necesidad. En todo momento se alternan las explicaciones teóricas con la elaboración de ejercicios prácticos, siempre relacionados con casos reales. Se incrementan paulatinamente los niveles de complejidad, asegurándonos de eliminar cualquier laguna que pueda perjudicar la asimilación de conceptos de mayor dificultad. Análisis de resultados: A lo largo del Máster, el plan de formación será evaluado de forma continua pudiendo cerrar cada módulo con la certeza que los conocimientos han sido comprendidos y aprendidos. En la etapa final se analizará el proyecto en su conjunto, valorando la calidad obtenida y si los efectos conseguidos son los esperados.
TEMA 1- Análisis y diseño orientado a objetos con UML 2.5 Contenidos 1. Examining Object-Oriented Concepts and Terminology 1.1. Describe the important object-oriented (OO) concepts 1.2. Describe the fundamental OO terminology 2. Introducing Modeling and the Software Development Process 2.1. Describe the Object-Oriented Software Development (OOSD) process 2.2. Describe how modeling supports the OOSD process 2.3. Describe the benefits of modeling software 2.4. Explain the purpose, activities, and artifacts of the following OOSD workflows (disciplines): Requirements Gathering, Requirements Analysis, Architecture, Design, Implementation, Testing & Deployment 3. Creating Use Case Diagrams 3.1. Justify the need for a Use Case diagram 3.2. Identify and describe the essential elements in a UML Use Case diagram 3.3. Develop a Use Case diagram for a software system based on the goals of the business owner 3.4. Develop elaborated Use Case diagrams based on the goals of all the stakeholders 3.5. Recognize and document use case dependencies using UML notation for extends, includes, and generalization 3.6. Describe how to manage the complexity of Use Case diagrams by creating UML packaged views 4. Creating Use Case Scenarios and Forms 4.1. Identify and document scenarios for a use case 4.2. Create a Use Case form describing a summary of the scenarios in the main and alternate flows 4.3. Describe how to reference included and extending use cases. 4.4. Identify and document non-functional requirements (NFRs), business rules, risks, and priorities for a use case 4.5. Identify the purpose of a Supplementary Specification Document 5. Creating Activity Diagrams 5.1. Identify the essential elements in an Activity diagram 5.2. Model a Use Case flow of events using an Activity diagram 6. Determining the Key Abstractions 6.1. Identify a set of candidate key abstractions 6.2. Identify the key abstractions using CRC analysis 7. Constructing the Problem Domain Model 7.1. Identify the essential elements in a UML Class diagram 7.2. Construct a Domain model using a Class diagram 7.3. Identify the essential elements in a UML Object diagram 7.4. Validate the Domain model with one or more Object diagrams 8. Transitioning from Analysis to Design using Interaction Diagrams 8.1. Explain the purpose and elements of the Design model 8.2. Identify the essential elements of a UML Communication diagram 8.3. Create a Communication diagram view of the Design model 8.4. Identify the essential elements of a UML Sequence diagram 8.5. Create a Sequence diagram view of the Design model 9. Modeling Object State Using State Machine Diagrams 9.1. Model object state 9.2. Describe the essential elements of a UML State Machine diagram 10. Applying Design Patterns to the Design Model 10.1. Define the essential elements of a software pattern 10.2. Describe the Composite pattern 10.3. Describe the Strategy pattern 10.4. Describe the Observer pattern 10.5. Describe the Abstract Factory pattern 11. Introducing Architectural Concepts and Diagrams 11.1. Distinguish between architecture and design 11.2. Describe tiers, layers, and systemic qualities 11.3. Describe the Architecture workflow 11.4. Describe the diagrams of the key architecture views 11.5. Select the Architecture type 11.6. Create the Architecture workflow artifacts 12. Introducing the Architectural Tiers 12.1. Describe the concepts of the Client and Presentation tiers 12.2. Describe the concepts of the Business tier 12.3. Describe the concepts of the Resource and Integration tiers 12.4. Describe the concepts of the Solution model 13. Refining the Class Design Model 13.1. Refine the attributes of the Domain model 13.2. Refine the relationships of the Domain model 13.3. Refine the methods of the Domain model 13.4. Declare the constructors of the Domain model 13.5. Annotate method behavior 13.6. Create components with interfaces 14. Overview of Software Development Processes 14.1. Explain the best practices for OOSD methodologies 14.2. Describe the features of several common methodologies 14.3. Choose a methodology that best suits your project 14.4. Develop an iteration plan 15. Overview of Frameworks 15.1. Define a framework 15.2. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of using frameworks 15.3. Identify several common frameworks 15.4. Understand the concept of creating your own business domain frameworks TEMA 2-Java SE 8 Fundamentals Contenidos del curso 1. What Is a Java Program? 1.1. Introduction to Computer Programs 1.2. Key Features of the Java Language 1.3. The Java Technology and Development Environment Running/testing a Java program 2. Creating a Java Main 2.1. Java Classes 2.2. The main Method 3. Data In the Cart 3.1. Introducing variables 3.2. Working with Strings 3.3. Working with numbers 3.4. Manipulating numeric data 4. Managing Multiple Items 4.1. Working with Conditions 4.2. Working with a List of Items 4.3. Processing a list of items 5. Describing Objects and Classes 5.1. Working with objects and classes 5.2. Defining fields and methods 5.3. Declaring, Instantiating, and Initializing Objects 5.4. Working with Object References 5.5. Doing more with Arrays 5.6. Introducing the NetBeans IDE Introducing the Soccer League Use Case 6. Manipulating and Formatting the Data in Your Program Using the String Class 6.1. Using the Java API Docs 6.2. Using the StringBuilder Class 6.3. More about primitive data types 6.4. The remaining numeric operators 6.5. Promoting and casting variables 7. Creating and Using Methods 7.1. Using methods 7.2. Method arguments and return values 7.3. Static methods and variables 7.4. How Arguments are Passed to a Method 7.5. Overloading a method 8. Using Encapsulation 8.1. Access Control 8.2. Encapsulation 8.3. Overloading constructor 9. More on Conditionals 9.1. Relational and conditional operators 9.2. More ways to use if/else constructs 9.3. Using Switch Statements 9.4. Using the NetBeans Debugger 10. More on Arrays and Loops 10.1. Working with Dates 10.2. Parsing the args Array 10.3. Two-dimensional Arrays 10.4. Alternate Looping Constructs 10.5. Nesting Loops 10.6. The ArrayList class 11. Using Inheritance 11.1. Overview of inheritance 11.2. Working with subclasses and superclasses 11.3. Overriding methods in the superclass 11.4. Introducing polymorphism 11.5. Creating and extending abstract classes 12. Using Interfaces 12.1. Polymorphism in the JDK foundation classes 12.2. Using Interfaces 12.3. Using the List Interface 12.4. Introducing Lambda expressions 13. Handling Exceptions 13.1. Handling Exceptions: An overview 13.2. Propagation of exceptions 13.3. Catching and throwing exceptions 13.4. Handling multiple exceptions and errors TEMA 3-Java SE 8 Programming 1. Java Platform Overview 1.1. Defining how the Java language achieves platform independence 1.2. Differentiating between the Java ME, Java SE, and Java EE Platforms 1.3. Evaluating Java libraries, middle-ware, and database options 1.4. Defining how the Java language continues to evolve 2. Java Syntax and Class Review 2.1. Creating simple Java classes 2.2. Creating primitive variables 2.3. Using operators 2.4. Creating and manipulate strings 2.5. Using if-else and switch statements 2.6. Iterating with loops: while,do-while,for,enhanced for 2.7. Creating arrays Using Java fields, constructors, and methods 3. Encapsulation and Subclassing 3.1. Using encapsulation in Java class design 3.2. Modeling business problems using Java classes 3.3. Making classes immutable 3.4. Creating and use Java subclasses 3.5. Overloading methods 4. Overriding Methods, Polymorphism, and Static Classes 4.1. Using access levels: private, protected, default, and public. 4.2. Overriding methods 4.3. Using virtual method invocation Using varargs to specify variable arguments 4.4. Using the instanceof operator to compare object types 4.5. Using upward and downward casts 4.6. Modeling business problems by using the static keyword 4.7. Implementing the singleton design pattern 5. Abstract and Nested Classes 5.1. Designing general-purpose base classes by using abstract classes 5.2. Constructing abstract Java classes and subclasses 5.3. Applying final keyword in Java 5.4. Distinguish between top-level and nested classes 6. Interfaces and Lambda Expressions 6.1. Defining a Java interface 6.2. Choosing between interface inheritance and class inheritance 6.3. Extending an interface 6.4. Defaulting methods 6.5. Anonymous inner classes 6.6. Defining a Lambda Expression 7. Collections and Generics 7.1. Creating a custom generic class 7.2. Using the type inference diamond to create an object 7.3. Creating a collection by using generics 7.4. Implementing an ArrayList 7.5. Implementing a TreeSet 7.6. Implementing a HashMap 7.7. Implementing a Deque 7.8. Ordering collections 8. Collections Streams, and Filters 8.1. Describing the Builder pattern 8.2. Iterating through a collection using lambda syntax 8.3. Describing the Stream interface 8.4. Filtering a collection using lambda expressions 8.5. Calling an existing method using a method reference 8.6. Chaining multiple methods together 8.7. Defining pipelines in terms of lambdas and collections 9. Lambda Built-in Functional Interfaces 9.1. Listing the built-in interfaces included in java.util.function 9.2. Core interfaces - Predicate, Consumer, Function, Supplier 9.3. Using primitive versions of base interfaces 9.4. Using binary versions of base interfaces 10. Lambda Operations 10.1. Extracting data from an object using map 10.2. Describing the types of stream operations 10.3. Describing the Optional class 10.4. Describing lazy processing Sorting a stream 10.5. Saving results to a collection using the collect method 10.6. Grouping and partition data using the Collectors class 11. Exceptions and Assertions 11.1. Defining the purpose of Java exceptions 11.2. Using the try and throw statements 11.3. Using the catch, multi-catch, and finally clauses 11.4. Autoclose resources with a try-with-resources statement 11.5. Recognizing common exception classes and categories 11.6. Creating custom exceptions 11.7. Testing invariants by using assertions 12. Java Date/Time API 12.1. Creating and manage date-based events 12.2. Creating and manage time-based events 12.3. Combining date and time into a single object 12.4. Working with dates and times across time zones 12.5. Managing changes resulting from daylight savings 12.6. Defining and create timestamps, periods and durations 12.7. Applying formatting to local and zoned dates and times 13. I/O Fundamentals 13.1. Describing the basics of input and output in Java 13.2. Read and write data from the console 13.3. Using streams to read and write files 13.4. Writing and read objects using serialization 14. File I/O (NIO.2) 14.1. Using the Path interface to operate on file and directory paths 14.2. Using the Files class to check, delete, copy, or move a file or directory 14.3. Using Stream API with NIO2 15. Concurrency 15.1. Describing operating system task scheduling 15.2. Creating worker threads using 15.3. Runnable and Callable 15.4. Using an ExecutorService to concurrently execute tasks Identifying potential threading problems 15.5. Using synchronized and concurrent atomic to manage atomicity 15.6. Using monitor locks to control the order of thread execution 15.7. Using the java.util.concurrent collections 16. The Fork-Join Framework 16.1. Parallelism 16.2. The need for Fork-Join 16.3. Work stealing 16.4. RecursiveTask 17. Parallel Streams 17.1. Reviewing the key characteristics of streams 17.2. Describing how to make a stream pipeline execute in parallel 17.3. List the key assumptions needed to use a parallel pipeline 17.4. Defining reduction 17.5. Describing why reduction requires an associative function 17.6. Calculating a value using reduce 17.7. Describing the process for decomposing and then merging work 17.8. Listing the key performance considerations for parallel streams 18. Database Applications with JDBC 18.1. Defining the layout of the JDBC API 18.2. Connecting to a database by using a JDBC driver 18.3. Submitting queries and get results from the database 18.4. Specifying JDBC driver information externally 18.5. Performing CRUD operations using the JDBC API 19. Localization 19.1. Describing the advantages of localizing an application 19.2. Defining what a locale represents 19.3. Read and set the locale by using the Locale object 19.4. Building a resource bundle for each locale 19.5. Calling a resource bundle from an application 19.6. Changing the locale for a resource bundle
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