MBA in Hospitality and Tourism Management (Official) - Barcelona - English

Ostelea School of Tourism & Hospitality
- Providing executive tuition with an international vision of the tourism industry, together with a flexible and adaptable perspective in a changing and competitive global setting. Integrating the main spheres of tourism management from an interdisciplinary and comprehensive perspective. - Ensuring the effective management of tourism companies based on strategic plans and focused on achieving results. - Providing a response to the training needs of executives specializing in the tourism sector. - Developing the city for innovation and creative management of executives in tourism and hotel companies. Enabling the acquirement of knowledge and skills in terms of new technologies applied to tourism an e-Tourism, in particular. - Training the future leaders of the global hospitality and tourism industry. Equipping participants with the executive skills and competences required of directors and business people in the tourism sector in order to ensure dynamic, effective and successful leadership. - Analysing global trends in the sector and acquiring the perspectives and strategies required to become ethical leaders of global tourism organizations.
Otros cursos de esta academia
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(Ostelea School of Tourism & Hospitality)
Al finalizar este curso los alumnos: habrán aprendido a generar nuevas oportunidades de negocio a partir del análisis y la exploración del sector turismo conocerán...
Máster Universitario en Destinos Turísticos Sostenibles y Planificación Turística Territorial -...
(Ostelea School of Tourism & Hospitality)
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Máster Universitario en Dirección Hotelera
(Ostelea School of Tourism & Hospitality)
Conocer la industria hotelera y de restauración visión global desarrollo de planes estratégicos innovación y gestión sostenible formación de directivos...
Grado Universitario en Turismo y Ocio (Oficial) - Barcelona
(Ostelea School of Tourism & Hospitality)
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Master in Events Organization, Protocol and Business Tourism - Madrid
(Ostelea School of Tourism & Hospitality)
Developing the capacity for creativity and innovation in the industry and its sustainable management through comprehensive and specialist training, equipping participants...
Master in International Tourism Management
(Ostelea School of Tourism & Hospitality)
Global vision... development of strategic plans... the master in international tourism management will give you the following benefits: - insight into the tourism...
Máster Universitario en Gestión Internacional del Turismo
(Ostelea School of Tourism & Hospitality)
Visión global formar directivos orientados a la gestión empresarial de las empresas turísticas capaces de obtener los resultados esperados a nivel global...
Máster Universitario en Dirección Hotelera y de Restauración - Barcelona
(Ostelea School of Tourism & Hospitality)
Prepara a profesionales capaces de entender la complejidad del sector y poder tomar decisiones de manera eficiente... el máster en dirección hotelera y de restauración...
MBA en Turismo
(Ostelea School of Tourism & Hospitality)
Innovación desarrollar la capacidad de innovación y de gestión creativa en los directivos de empresas turísticas y hoteleras... visión internacional en la industria...
Master in Sustainable Tourism Destinations and Regional Tourism Planning - Barcelona...
(Ostelea School of Tourism & Hospitality)
Ostelea has decided to run a master program in sustainable tourism destinations and regional tourism planning, which is designed to equip professionals and executives...