(32 cursos)

Listado de cursos de master projects


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Máster en project management (con certificaciones oficiales)

Además, el máster en project management de la escuela internacional de gestión de proyectos es uno de los pocos que prepara al alumno para obtener algunas de las...
EIGP, Escuela Internacional de Gestión de Proyectos

Máster universitario in sustainable tourism destinations and regional ...

Ostelea has decided to run a master program in sustainable tourism destinations and regional tourism planning, which is designed to equip professionals and executives...
Ostelea Tourism Management School

Máster microsoft mcsa: sql 2016 business intelligence development

Deploying ssis projects 13... managing master data 11... master data services concepts 11... using master data services 11... creating a master data hub 12...
Cas Training

master’s degree in technology and engineering management de escuela s...

The master in technology and engineering management (mem) is a challenging 1... what is the goal of the master in technology and engineering management (mem)?the...
Escuela Superior de Ingenierías Industrial, Aeroespacial y Audiovisual de Terrassa. ESEIAAT

Master en project management

projects managers que desean aplicar una visión ágil a la gestión de proyectos... al finalizar el master in project management online serás perfectamente capaz de:...

Master in big data solutions

Barcelona is the european capital of innovation and an international tech hub that holds leading big data corporate projects... the master in big data & innovation...
Barcelona Technology School

Master in project management (full time)

In response to this business demand, the master in project management is designed to equip executives to lead, plan, organise and oversee complex global projects...
EAE Business School

Máster universitario en lingüística aplicada a la enseñanza del inglés...

Temario completo de este curso a second language learning and teaching - 18 credits 1 second language acquisition -3 credits 2 teaching pronunciation - 3 credits...
Fundación Universitaria Iberoamericana (FUNIBER)

Máster en project management

Módulo de preparación para la certificación microsoft project professional (certificación oficial de microsoft specialist 74-343: managing projects with project...
EIGP, Escuela Internacional de Gestión de Proyectos

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Master in project management (eng)

Organizational structures in projects... manage complex projects efficiently and effectively... however, it is necessary to first understand some fundamental concepts...

Management – master's degree

The sub-majors are tailored to market needs, and will allow you to gather practical knowledge and specialise in the direction you choose... this combination of competencies...
Vistula University

Master in interaction design (specializations in ux design, ui design ...

– to master new digital fabrication tools and software... – to develop wide-ranging skills in the design, production and leadership of interactive projects...
IED Barcelona Istituto Europeo di Design.

Master en design for virtual reality

A comprehensive knowledge base is provided to support the student’s ambitions by giving them the tools to develop future professional projects...
IED Barcelona Istituto Europeo di Design.

Master in graphic design

Acquire in-depth knowledge of the various kinds of projects in the publishing world for different kinds of content... learn the tools and the specific working process...
ELISAVA Escuela Universitaria de Diseño e Ingeniería de Barcelona

Master in global design

O think actively in order for the students to be the official authors of their own thoughts, to keep on track during the complex processes of collecting data and...
IED Barcelona Istituto Europeo di Design.

Master in international tourism managaexecutive masternt eng madrid

The master in international tourism management, majoring in management of international tourism destinations, is designed to equip professionals and executives to...
Ostelea Tourism Management School

Master in project management

Project management: training expert project managers with the capacity to reach the targets set, increase profitability and enhance the overall quality of the project...

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Master projects

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