(25 cursos)Listado de cursos de insa
Mba en dirección de la pequeña y mediana empresa
El mba de insa es el único que profundiza en el conocimiento y las herramientas de gestión aplicado a la pequeña y mediana empresa... además el alumno/a deberá haber...Carrera superior en publicidad, relaciones públicas & marketing (c...
Desde esta perspectiva y con estos estudios, insa capacita al alumn@ para diseñar, establecer y desarrollar estrategias propias en el marco de la comunicación de...Global executive master en business intelligence
Tras haber superado con éxito las pruebas de evaluación del programa y siempre y cuando se cuente con la asistencia mínima requerida, el alumno/a obtendrá el título...Master in integral logistics: operations and supply chain management
After successfully testing and evaluation of the program as long as there is the minimum attendance required, students to obtain a master in integral logistics:...International mba (english)
Having successfully passed the evaluations and with the minimum attendance required, the student get a diploma in international mba of insa business, marketing &...Master in marketing management (english)
Having successfully passed the evaluations and with the minimum attendance required, the student receives a diploma in master in marketing management of insa business...Master in business management (english)
Having successfully passed the evaluations and with the minimum attendance required, the student get a diploma in master in business management of insa business...Master in foreign trade and international marketing
Having successfully passed the evaluations and with the minimum attendance required, the student obtain a diploma in master in foreign trade & international marketing...Master in translation and interpreting in global enterprises
After successful testing and evaluation of the program, as long as there is the minimum attendance required, students obtain the title of master in translation and...¿Quieres encontrar cursos?
Máster secretariado internacional de alta dirección (barcelona)
Muchas empresas de todos los sectores, acuden a insa buscando candidatos con esta formación práctica y el saber hacer que se adquiere en el máster de secretariado...Postgraduate in purchasing and supply chain
After successful testing and evaluation of the program, as long as there is the minimum attendance required, students obtain the title of postgraduate in purchasing...¿Quieres encontrar cursos?
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