Consta de 9 unidades donde consolidan definitivamente los tres niveles anteriores con repasos gramaticales (oraciones de relativo, bos modales, voz pasiva…) y ejercicios. Ya que el alumno de este nivel presenta un buen dominio del Inglés, se insiste más en el uso de “Phrasal bs” y se introducen más expresiones idiomáticas y coloquiales. A quién va dirigido Trabajadores en activo, autónomos y desempleados. Temario completo de este curso 1 Revision of level 3 grammar 1.1 Vocabulary to do with prisons and punishment 1.2 Complete the text by choosing the best option 1.3 Match each of the following criminals with the crime they commit 1.4 Complete the following sentences 1.5 Expressing probability, possibility, certainty - Present and Future 1.6 Expressing probability, possibility, certainty - Past 1.7 Complete the sentences 1.8 Purpose using - so that 1.9 Watch the video and answer the questions 1.10 Watch the video, read the script and fill in the gaps 1.11 Read the letter and correct the mistakes 1.12 Listen and fill in the missing information 1.13 Check your answers 1.14 Fill in the gaps with the appropriate b 1.15 Choose the correct adjective 1.16 Fill in the gaps with the correct word 1.17 Match sentences to the correct response 1.18 Rewrite the sentences using the correct form 1.19 Choose the correct b 1.20 Rewrite part A of the text below in reported speech 1.21 Rewrite part B of the text below in reported speech 1.22 Cuestionario: Objetivos didácticos_Unit 1 2 The passive, adjectives with numbers, plural expressions with singular bs 2.1 Vocabulary for food containers and packaging 2.2 Adjectives with numbers 2.3 Grammar Help Box - The Passive 2.4 Grammar Help Box 2.5 The Passive 2.6 Watch the video and complete the script using passives 2.7 Match the following passives with the appropriate tense 2.8 Complete the text using the passive form of the bs in brackets 2.9 Read the following article 2.10 Answer the following questions 2.11 Look at the following sentences and change them into passive voice 2.12 Look at the list of sounds and match each of them with an item 2.13 Choose the correct form of the b, active or passive 2.14 Theatre vocabulary. Put the correct word in the gap 2.15 Rewrite the following active sentences in their passive form 2.16 A new airport is under construction in your town 2.17 Fill in the gaps with a suitable word 2.18 Choose the correct preposition to complete the phrasal b 2.19 Rewrite the following text using the passive voicee 2.20 Cuestionario: Objetivos didácticos_Unit 2 3 Defining and Non-defining Relative Clauses and all and whole 3.1 Complete the sentences 3.2 Complete the postcard with the words from the list 3.3 Relative clauses 3.4 All and whole 3.5 Grammar Help Box - Relative clauses 3.6 Watch the video then read the script 3.7 Read the text below and add the relative clauses 3.8 Find words in the text for the following 3.9 Listen to the questions and choose the correct answer 3.10 Talking About Feelings 3.11 Fill in the gap with the correct relative pronoun 3.12 Fill in the gap with the correct relative pronoun 3.13 Select the correct word to complete the expression 3.14 Add commas where necessary 3.15 Fill in the gaps with an appropriate adjective 3.16 Put the words in brackets in their correct forms 3.17 Change the non-defining relative clauses into defining 3.18 Cuestionario: Objetivos didácticos_Unit 3 4 bs followed by gerunds or infinitives, like, as and own 4.1 Match these words to the definitions 4.2 Do you know the following 4.3 Like and as 4.4 Own - my own, on my own 4.5 Put the interview below in the correct order 4.6 Grammar Help Box 4.7 Use gerunds or infinitives of the bs 4.8 Put the following bs in the correct box 4.9 Read the following article and fill in the spaces 4.10 Listen and complete the sentences with gerunds or infinitives 4.11 Look at the following probs 4.12 Gerund or infinitive. Choose the correct word 4.13 Put the correct word in the gap 4.14 Choose the correct meaning of each sentence 4.15 Fill in the gap with the correct b in gerund or infinitive form 4.16 Put the correct adb in the gap 4.17 Fill in the gaps with the correct word(s) 4.18 Cuestionario: Objetivos didácticos_Unit 4 5 Phrasal bs 5.1 Match the parts of the house 5.2 Where would you normally find these household items 5.3 Match the definitions with the type of house 5.4 On time - in time 5.5 Vocabulary 5.6 Grammar Help Box 5.7 Watch the video then read the script 5.8 Complete these sentences from the video using phrasal bs 5.9 Look at these phrasal bs which featured in the video 5.10 Rewrite the following sentences using phrasal bs and pronouns 5.11 Read the text, find the mistakes and remove them 5.12 Listening T5 5.13 Read the scripts to check your answers 5.14 Replace the euphemisms with words from the box 5.15 Phrasal bs 5.16 Fill in the gap with the correct particle from the box 5.17 Fill in the gap with the correct form of the phrasal b get ready 5.18 Put the time expressions next to their meanings 5.19 Match the correct expression from the box with its meaning in brackets 5.20 Choose the correct phrasal b 5.21 Cuestionario: Objetivos didácticos_Unit 5 6 Future perfect, future continuous, future forms 6.1 Choose words from the box to complete the sentences below 6.2 Match the following definitions to the correct words 6.3 Would you expect to find the following in a street in a normal town centre 6.4 Future Continuous and Future Perfect 6.5 Watch the video and read the script 6.6 Complete the following sentences from the video 6.7 Read this text about Sharon 6.8 Listen and choose the correct answer 6.9 Listen, read the script and check your answers 6.10 Choose the correct tense, Future Continuous or Future Perfect 6.11 Put the b in the correct form 6.12 Match the opposites 6.13 Fill in the gap with an appropriate word 6.14 Choose the correct phrasal b 6.15 Fill in the gap with the correct preposition 6.16 Cuestionario: Objetivos didácticos_Unit 6 7 Third conditional, introducing and expressing Conditionals, mixed conditionals and a different use of would 7.1 Put the fields listed in the box under the correct heading 7.2 Match the words with the definitions 7.3 Use words from the box to complete the sentences 7.4 Third Conditional Review 7.5 A different use of would 7.6 Vocabulary 7.7 Watch the video and read the script 7.8 Complete the following conditional sentences from the video 7.9 Grammar Help Box 7.10 Read the text below and complete it with the following words 7.11 Complete the following sentences about Mark 7.12 You will hear five people talking about things that they regret 7.13 Listen again, read the script and check your answers 7.14 Match each item with the corresponding state and a short sentence 7.15 Choose the correct phrase to complete the sentence 7.16 Choose the correct tense 7.17 Fill in the gap with the correct word 7.18 Complete the sentences with the correct modal bs 7.19 Choose the correct words to fill in the gaps 7.20 Fill in the gap with an appropriate modal b 7.21 Cuestionario: Objetivos didácticos_Unit 7 8 Have or get something done, order of adjectives, Past tense and embedded questions 8.1 Complete the following questionnaire 8.2 Vocabulary 8.3 Past tenses used for distancing 8.4 Embedded questions 8.5 To have - get something done 8.6 Decide whether the following statements are true or false 8.7 Read the script and check your answers 8.8 Grammar Help Box 8.9 Put the following adjectives in an appropriate order 8.10 Complete the text with the correct word 8.11 Answer the questions about the text 8.12 Listen to these six people talking about different objects 8.13 Read the script and check your answers 8.14 Choose the correct past participle 8.15 Rewrite the sentences using the given word 8.16 Put the adjectives in the correct position 8.17 Fill in the gaps with the correct particles 8.18 Add a letter to make the correct word 8.19 Fill in the gaps with an appropriate word 8.20 Cuestionario: Objetivos didácticos_Unit 8 9 Relative clauses, wish and some other uses of rather 9.1 Match the correct definitions to these idiomatic expressions 9.2 Complete the sentences below with the words from the box 9.3 I wish - if only I - I’d rather 9.4 Grammar 9.5 Some other uses of rather 9.6 Watch the video and read the script 9.7 Watch the video again and complete the following sentences 9.8 Put the bs in the correct form 9.9 Say whether these statements are true or false 9.10 Complete this text by putting these relative clauses in the correct place 9.11 Listen and complete these sentences 9.12 Listen again and check your answers 9.13 A collection of strange and silly English words 9.14 Choose the correct form of the b 9.15 Rewrite the following sentences using the given word 9.16 Choose the correct word 9.17 Write ten words that match these definitions 9.18 Choose the correct phrasal b 9.19 Fill in the gaps with a suitable word or words 9.20 Cuestionario: Objetivos didácticos_Unit 9 9.21 Cuestionario: Cuestionario final más
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