Experto Universitario en Bilingualism in Education

Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera. Formación online
Objetivos generales -Proponer la utilización de las nuevas tecnologías para fomentar el aprendizaje de un segundo idioma y la creación de materiales didácticos que faciliten y enriquezcan el aprendizaje de un segundo idioma. Objetivos específicos -Conocer y comprender las teorías principales sobre los mecanismos de adquisición de la L1 y la L2. -Conocer los procesos psicológicos y los factores que intervienen en el aprendizaje de una L2. A quién va dirigido El Experto Unisitario en Bilingualism in Education está orientado a facilitar la actuación del docente para otorgarle las competencias precisas para llevar a cabo una educación bilingüe de calidad en el entorno de la educación secundaria y bachillerato. Requisitos Para diplomados, graduados, o licenciados unisitarios. Temario completo de este curso Módulo 1. Principles of Bilingualism 1.1. Definition and history of bilingualism M.ª José García-Vao Bel. 1.1.1. Definition of bilingualism. 1.1.2. Thelanguages in contact. 1.1.3. Definition of multilingualism. 1.1.4. Multilingualism in theworld. 1.1.5. Types of bilingualism. 1.2. Bilingualism models in education. 1.2.1. Bilingualism in education. 1.2.2. Models of bilingualeducation. 1.2.3. Models of bilingualism in theworld 1.2.4. Bilingualism in Canada. 1.2.5. Bilingualism in the US. 1.2.6. Bilingualism in Spain. 1.2.7. Bilingualism in LatinAmerica. 1.3. Cultural dimension of bilingualism. 1.3.1. Intercultural bilingualeducation (EIB). 1.3.2. Thehistory of the EIB. 1.3.3. Bilingualism and cultural disity in theclassroom. 1.3.4. Bilingualism and cultural identity. 1.4. Mother tongue role in bilingual education. 1.4.1. Theacquisition of language in a bilingualcontext. 1.4.2. Late bilingualism and themothertongue. 1.4.3. Themothertongue and emotions. 1.4.4. Themothertongue in theclassroom. 1.4.5. Use of themothertongue in theforeignlanguageclassroom. 1.5. Neuroeducation and bilingualism. 1.5.1. Thebilingualbrain. 1.5.2. Theage factor. 1.5.3. Thequality factor. 1.5.4. Themethod factor. 1.5.5. Thelanguage factor. 1.5.6. Thenumber factor. 1.6. Cumminstheoriesaboutbilingualism. 1.6.1. Introduction. 1.6.2. Theory of linguisticinterdependence. 1.6.3. Thethresholdhypothesis. 1.6.4. Additive and subtractivebilingualism. 1.6.5. Theimportance of themothertongue. 1.6.6. Theprograms of linguisticimmersion. 1.7. B.I.C.S and C.A.L.P. 1.7.1. General framework. 1.7.2. Initialtheory. 1.7.3. Definition of BICS. 1.7.4. Definition of CALP. 1.7.5. Therelationshipbetween BICS and CALP. 1.7.6. Contributions of thetheory. 1.7.7. Criticismtothetheory. 1.8. Earlyliteracy in bilingualchildren. 1.8.1. Definition of emergentliteracy. 1.8.2. Growing up in a bilingualfamily. 1.8.3. Reading stories in themothertongue. 1.8.4. Literacy in L2 as instructional and majority. 1.8.5. Literacy in L2 as a foreignlanguage. 1.9. Relations and influencesbetween L1 and L2. 1.9.1. Familyliteracy. 1.9.2. Mother-tongueliteracy at school. 1.9.3. Impact of literacy in L1 in L2. 1.9.4. Advantages of the use of themothertongue in thebilingualclassroom. 1.9.5. Themothertongue in theteaching of English. 1.10. Role of thebilingualteacher. 1.10.1. The role of thebilingualteacher. 1.10.2. Thebilingualteacher as an intercultural educator. 1.10.3. Languages and thebilingualteacher. 1.10.4. The training needs. Módulo 2. Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) 2.1. Objectives and foundation. 2.2. Relations between content and language. 2.3. Scaffolding in CLIL. 2.4. Active methodologies for the development of CLIL. 2.5. Design and development of materials for CLIL. 2.6. Teaching of Natural Sciences through CLIL. 2.7. Teaching of Social Sciences through CLIL. 2.8. Artistic Teaching through CLIL. 2.9. STEAM: integrated teaching of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths through CLIL. 2.10. Evaluation. Módulo 3. Educational and Didactic Methodology for Bilingual Education 3.1. Learning the L2. Methods and approaches. 3.1.1 From grammar to communication. 3.1.2. Grammar-translation method. 3.1.3. Natural method. 3.1.4. Total Physical Response. 3.1.5. Audiolingual method. 3.1.6. Suggestopedia. 3.2. L2 and interaction. 3.2.1. The role of interaction in learning. 3.2.2. The interaction in the learning of the mother tongue. 3.2.3. The interaction in learning L2. 3.2.4. Types of interaction in the Foreign Language classroom. 3.2.5. Teacher talking time. 3.3. The role of emotions in learning L2. 3.3.1. Emotions and learning. 3.3.2. The theory of output. 3.3.3. How anxiety affects learning. 3.3.4. Emotions and confidence. 3.3.5 Motivation. 3.4. The communication skills of English. 3.4.1. The integration of communication skills. 3.4.2. CEFRL. Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. 3.4.3. Reference levels. 3.5. Creation of a bilingual learning and communication environment. 3.5.1. The eyday language in the school. 3.5.2. The corridors and common spaces. 3.5.3. The classroom space. 3.5.4. The participation of the teaching staff and the community. 3.6. The relationship with families and the environment. 3.6.1. The perception of the family of bilingualism. 3.6.2. Communication tools relationship. 3.6.3. Participation in the school. 3.6.4. Follow-up at home and homework. 3.7. Educational Success Actions in the Bilingual classroom. 3.7.1. Definition and keys of the Successful Educational Actions (SEAS). 3.7.2. Interactive Groups: definition and foundation. 3.7.3. Classroom organization in interactive groups. 3.7.4. Dialogic Literary Gatherings: definition and operation. 3.7.5. Organization and operation of the DLG. 3.8. Methodologies for the bilingual classroom: TASC Wheel. 3.8.1. Presentation of the TASC Wheel. 3.8.2. The thinking skills. 3.8.3. Steps for use. 3.8.4. Products and evaluation. 3.9. Methodologies for the bilingual classroom: the Flipped Classroom. 3.9.1. Definition and models. 3.9.2. Origin. Advantages and disadvantages. 3.9.3. Guidelines for design. 3.9.4. Flipped classroom in the bilingual classroom. 3.10. Methodologies for the bilingual classroom: Cooperative Learning. 3.10.1. Definition of cooperative learning. 3.10.2. Conditions for cooperative learning. 3.10.3. Psychopedagogical foundation. 3.10.4. Cooperation, interaction, performance and inclusion. 3.10.5. Organization of cooperative learning. más
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