(48 cursos)

Listado de cursos de economic


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Master's degree in specialized economic analysis: international t...

They also attend a series of policy lessons delivered by international experts... students complete an independent study project by the end of the academic year...
Barcelona Graduate School of Economics

Máster en international business management (eng)

International business management international integration and economic environment this course aims to develop a systematic approach to analysing current events...

Executive mba in english

Analytical principles global economic environment the development of international businesses requires a great skill for analysing the main macro-economic forces...

Curs de gestió d'associacions

Com presentar projectes tema 4... com fer la memòria de l’entitat objectiu general:-aprofundir en la gestió associativa en l’àmbit econòmic, fiscal i jurídic així...

Máster online en dirección relaciones internacionales y comercio exter...

Major globla economic and geopolitical environments... international economic analysis structures of economic and political systems in te european union...
ESERP Business School

Master in business management (english)

This broad-based comprehensive programme includes modules in economic analysis of managerial decisions, economic control and optimization of results, branding, etc...
INSA Business, Marketing & Communication School

Master in financial management

In recent years we have had to deal with in a business crisis, as a result of the global financial and economic situation... the role of the finance manager is,...
EAE Business School

Master in financial management

In an environment characterized by market liberalization and economic concentration, financial management must evolve beyond simply controlling resources to become...
EAE Business School

Executive mba in english

They will focus on the economic and cultural peculiarities of each society, their cultures and subcultures and their influence on trade relations...
OBS Business School

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Executive mba in sports management

General management in sports companies economic analysis of the sports industry strategic planning... analysis of sports environments and competition business management...

Kpi ́s clave de la gestión financiera

economic value added (eva): 5... cost of goods sold... key control indicators (kci ́s)... conclusiones sobre el eva... importancia de los kpi ́s financieros en la...
Estrategias de Formación Iniciativas Empresariales

Curs de gestió d'associacions

Obligacions comptables temari 3... obligacions relacionades amb la gestió de les persones: voluntariat i personal remunerat objectiu general:conèixer els aspectes...

Mba in sports management

Temario completo de este curso módule i: general management in sports organizations economic analysis of the sports industry strategic planning...
Escuela Universitaria Real Madrid - UE

Perito judicial en política económica + titulación universitaria en el...

Los peritos unidad didáctica 4... unidad didáctica 8... la política monetaria y la política financiera... doble titulación: - titulación de perito judicial en política...
Euroinnova Formación
A Distancia/Online

Bachelor degree in business administration and management

This degree gives students insight into the fundamental aspects of the economic system in which we operate, learning about the various management areas of a company...
EAE Business School

Oposiciones a grupo a1: cos superior de la generalitat de catalunya

Consisteix a contestar la totalitat de preguntes que composen un qüestionari sobre competències professionals amb respostes alternatives i orientat a avaluar el...
CEF.- Centro de Estudios Financieros

Master in international trade & business (mitb)

The mitb is designed to give you a deep understanding of the drivers of globalization, the process of internationalization, how the global economic environment influences...
ESIC, Business&Marketing School (Barcelona)

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