(62 cursos)

Listado de cursos de design development


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Curso game design y programación de videojuegos

¿quieres ser game designer y programador de videojuegos? el curso game design y programación de videojuegos te permitirá conseguirlo...   curso programación de videojuegos...
MasterD Escuelas Profesionales
A Distancia/Online

Grado propio en diseño y desarrollo de videojuegos + hnd in game devel...

Desarrollo artístico para videojuegos (art development) fundamentos de desarrollo de videojuegos (scripting) modelado 3d i (3d modeling) rrss y comunicación para...
ESI Murcia. Escuela Superior Internacional de Diseño

Ba (hons) fashion design

It provides the required knowledge to work in a design department or to connect with various departments in a production company... the ba (hons) in fashion design...
IED Barcelona Istituto Europeo di Design.

Master en design for virtual reality

The master includes technical sessions on project development and practical execution, as well as applied theoretical sessions in which a key issue is chosen to...
IED Barcelona Istituto Europeo di Design.

Master in design through new materials

To train professionals with the ability to blend scientific research applied to the design process with product development... to train professionals with abilities...
ELISAVA Escuela Universitaria de Diseño e Ingeniería de Barcelona

Undergraduate degree in graphic design

As from the second year, the necessary technological and project managing tools are explored, to communicate simple and effective visual messages through the development...
IED Barcelona Istituto Europeo di Design.

Máster microsoft mcsa: sql 2016 business intelligence development

Logical design for a data warehouse 3... physical design for a data warehouse 4... introduction to data quality 10... working with cubes and dimensions 3...
Cas Training

Programa front web development

Competencias técnicas: • introducción a la programación front-end (arquitectura de aplicaciones web y fundamentos de programación) • instalación y configuración...
Escuela Europea de Formación Continua. EEFC.

Máster desarrollador en lenguaje sap abap y hana fiori

design thinking overviewo foundations2... sap fiori design guidelineso layoutso controlso patternso app types5... development infrastructuremodulo vi: ux412 mobilizing...

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Máster desarrollo java 8: java se 8 programming ocp

Applying design patterns to the design model 10... implementing the singleton design pattern 5... refining the class design model 13... distinguish between architecture...
Cas Training

Executive mba in english

Encouraging the development and improvement of personal and managerial skills... the complexity of running a business requires extensive development of the different...

Course: grading, drainage and erosion control

· civil engineers at all levels · college and university students who wish to learn real-life grading design · new graduate civil engineers who need to gain grading...

Máster universitario in sustainable tourism destinations and regional ...

Sustainable development  has become a new paradigm in the 21st century, in both the public and private sphere, and from an international right down to a local level...
Ostelea Tourism Management School

Máster en marketing & digital business

Desarrollo ágil de productos desing thinking problem solving agile & scrum masterclass: design thinking...  lean startup lean startup y customer development i customer...
IEBS, Innovation & Entrepreneurship Business School
A Distancia/Online

Branding and visual identity

Train a professional who is capable of conceptualizing, developing and executing a complete brand design with success bring the students closer to the real and current...
IED Madrid Istituto Europeo di Design

Executive mba in english

Encouraging the development and improvement of personal and managerial skills... the stages match the strategic business creation process: the design of the strategy...
OBS Business School

Msc international sport management (online)

This proposal then guides the development of a clearly defined and evidenced study purpose, a critical review of the extant literature, and a robust methodology...

Máster universitario en lingüística aplicada a la enseñanza del inglés...

Temario completo de este curso a second language learning and teaching - 18 credits 1 second language acquisition -3 credits 2 teaching pronunciation - 3 credits...
Fundación Universitaria Iberoamericana (FUNIBER)

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Design development

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