(6 cursos)Listado de cursos de conventions events
Master en meetings, incentives, conventions & events. mice + titul...
A quién va dirigido este master o postgrado online master en meetings, incentives, conventions & events... contarás con todo el soporte en tu master o postgrado...Master en meetings, incentives, conventions & events. mice + titul...
Este master en meetings, incentives, conventions & events... doble titulación: - titulación de master en meetings, incentives, conventions & events con 600 horas...Master en meetings, incentives, conventions & events. mice + titul...
Este master en meetings, incentives, conventions & events... relaciones públicas módulo 1... el protocolo empresarialparte 6... organización del viaje unidad didáctica...Master en meetings, incentives, conventions & events. mice + titul...
Clasificación de eventos empresarialesrnunidad didáctica 8... la comunicación en el protocolo empresarialrnunidad didáctica 7... protocolo empresarial para organización...Master in events organization, protocol and business tourism - madrid
Training directors equipped to manage events companies, conventions business tourism and institutions, and who are able to achieve the expected results at a global...Master universitario in event manageexecutive masternt, protocol and b...
Ostelea’s master in events organization and business tourism (mice) equips students to become business project professionals and directors in the events and protocol...¿Quieres encontrar cursos?
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