(12 cursos)

Listado de cursos de carry


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Inversión segura en el mercado forex: el carry trade

Curso online dónde veremos el término de carry trade... aprende en este tutorial gratuito todo sobre inversión segura en el mercado forex: el carry trade...

Curso avanzado de análisis técnico y desarrollo de estrategias de trad...

Temario completo de este curso tema 1 - creación de estrategias de trading• la necesidad explicar los cambios de los precios• reglas de entradas• reglas de salida•...

Master in foreign trade and international marketing

Be able to effectively design and carry out strategic marketing campaigns and succeed on international level... this degree program focuses on the practical aspects...
INSA Business, Marketing & Communication School

Máster dental science 2020-2022

One aspect that can be highlighted among the specific competences is that of offering students basic training that enables them to improve their ability to carry...
Fundación Universitat Jaume I - Empresa (FUE-UJI)

Master in international sports management

All this, along with a methodology that will allow the student to carry out the program anywhere in the world, adapting to their time availability...
ESBS European Sport Business School

Interpersonal skills for business

By the end of the course the student will have acquired a very useful set of skills to carry out their work effectively and with confidence...
Cámara de Comercio de Madrid

Master in international finance (estancia en lse y wharton school)

All candidates will be requested to carry out written access tests to confirm their level of knowledge as well as personal interviews...
IEB - Instituto de Estudios Bursátiles

Máster online en seguridad alimentaria

Norma ifs wholesale / cash & carry... la biotecnología alimentaria... los órganos legislativos españoles... norma brc packaging... los tipos principales de normativas...
CESIF - Centro de Estudios Superiores de la Industria Farmacéutica

Executive mba in english

Principles of marketing: from idea generation to market this subject focuses on the design and implementation of a successful combination of marketing variables...

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Msc international sport management (online)

Students will be expected to show a critical awareness of how to carry out complex analysis of this information and explain the current strategic position of the...

Curso de gerente de pequeño comercio (online)

Dominar la comunicación y el marketing en el punto de venta... naturaleza del impuesto sujeto pasivo... aprender a realizar un estudio del entorno de la empresa...

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