(178 cursos)Listado de cursos de block
English level a2 - block 1 (alicante)
The block is com... in this block the learner is introduced to modal verbs for ability, extended prepositions as well as the present simple forms of many common...Deutsch niveau a1 - block 1 (alicante)
Lernziele: in diesem block lernt der/die schüler/-in, seine unmittelbare umgebung auf einfache weise zu beschreiben, er/sie wird auf einfache fragen antworten können...American english level ii - block 1 (alicante)
The block is comprised of a series of interactive exercises such as word-picture association, listening comprehension with short, realistic dialogs and student-led...American english level ii - block 2 (alicante)
In this block the learner is introduced to the past simple of the verb to be, regular verbs and some common irregular verbs, extended comparative practice as well...American english level iii - block 1 (alicante)
In this block the learner is introduced to the contrasting uses of the tenses covered so far such as present continuous for future plans with going to for intentions...American english level iii - block 2 (alicante)
In this block the learner will practice the narrative tenses (past simple, past continuous and present perfect) and begin to practice re-telling personal experiences...American english level iii - block 3 (alicante)
In this block the learner will start to notice an increased confidence when faced with basic functions and will be able to read an english or american newspaper...¿Quieres encontrar cursos?
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