(64 cursos)

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Inglés online: b1 con tutor en campus virtual oficial de la...

As • negative questions vocabulario: • colors, patterns, materials, and styles of clothing interacción oral: • show understanding by summarizing things people say...
English with Cambridge

Inglés online: a2 con tutor en campus virtual oficial de la...

? to check or suggest words and names • read an article about fashion • write an article about fashion trends gramática: • describing people; have got • phrases...
English with Cambridge

Ingles autoestudio b1 universidad cambridge online

To involve others • understand a conversation with a personal trainer • understand a discussion about a job advertisement • read an article about preparing for a...
English with Cambridge

Curso de inglés publishing nivel intermedio b1+

Dos & don´ts on how to defend yourself, a leaflet about safety, an article providing solutions to problems... an article interviewing a person, an e-mail about a...

Inglés online: a1 con tutor en campus virtual oficial de la...

• read an article about exergaming • write an article about exercise using imperatives gramática: • present continuous statements, yes-no questions, short answers...
English with Cambridge

Inglés: aprender inglés gradualmente nivel intermedio medio

Non-usage of the article the: aprender inglés gradualmente omission of article the: aprender inglés gradualmente actividad práctica ejercicios: evaluate the correct...

- curso intensivo de inglés. nivel c2

Economy and markets listening: shopaholics contrast and concession connectors reading: family resources relative clauses collocations: finances vocabulary: business...
Estudios Anamar SCP

Inglés nivel pre-intermedio (ii)

Read the following article 2... 11 read the following newspaper article 4... 12 find all the adverbs in the newspaper article 4... 6 complete the following sentences...

Ingles autoestudio a1 universidad cambridge online

? • possessives ’s and s’ vocabulario: • personal items • classroom objects • prepositions and expressions of location interacción oral: • ask for help in class...
English with Cambridge

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Curso online de inglés b2

Alternatives to if writing an article pronunciation contractions... use of the article for generalizing writing a review pronunciation words pronounced diff erently...
Escuela Europea de Formación Continua. EEFC.

Esat online - html 5 esencial

El elemento article sirve para delimitar contenido autónomo (por ejemplo, una noticia) en un documento html... cuando necesites la posibilidad de introducir párrafos...
ESAT - Escuela Superior de Arte y Tecnología

Inglés básico

The indefinite article... " temario completo de este curso lesson 1 the definite article... vocabulary: nationalities... vocabulary: verbs... questions words...
Euroconsulting Servicio de Prevención Ajeno

Inglés nivel intermedio (iii)

Use of the article the with geographical names 4... 16 this is the article about the great barrier reef that sarah is reading 4... 7 watch the video read the script...

Inglés nivel avanzado (iv)

Read the following article 2... 9 read the following article and fill in the spaces 4... 18 complete the sentences with the correct modal verbs 7...

Agente de handling

Guia de trabajo para el agente de handling módulo 4 1) apuntes sobre legislación aeronáutica legislación aeronáutica preceptos relativos al tráfico aéreo tráfico...
Centro de Formación Ica

Ingles b1

Temario completo de este curso unidad b1-01 routines language learning hobbies talking about daily routines listening: hobby reading skills: skimming and scanning...
Rodoia 2000 S.L.

American english level i (alicante)

Whilst introducing the correct use of the indefinite article, subject pronouns and basic syntax including the verb to be and the alphabet, the block covers functions...
Campoamor - Formación y Consultoría

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