(156 cursos)

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Inglés nivel intermedio (iii)

Answer the questions about the text 5... 17 complete the dialogue using the phrases from the box 1... 15 match the verbs from the list with the definitions 8...

Inglés nivel avanzado (iv)

Answer the questions about the text 8... 2 complete the postcard with the words from the list 3... 11 complete the following sentences about mark 7...

Inglés nivel básico (i)

Write about the people 1... write the questions for the answers 3... 29 answer the questions about yourself 8... put the words in the dialogue in the right order...
Escuela Europea de Formación Continua. EEFC.

Executive mba in english

This programme will guide the participant through the different departments of a company, learning about the responsibilities of each area, the key concepts needed...

Máster desarrollo java 8: java se 8 programming ocp

the fork-join framework 16... refine the relationships of the domain model 13... describe the concepts of the business tier 12... refine the attributes of the domain...
Cas Training

The 5 steps to making beats online

Welcome to the introduction to how to make beats online! this short video will give you the basis of what this course is about, what you will need and how to get...

Inglés online: b1 con tutor en campus virtual oficial de la...

To introduce a statement and involve the other person in the ver más... to share experiences • use like informally in conversation unit 9 objetivos: • talk about...
English with Cambridge

Corso web completo

Net mvc 4 controllers adding an mvc controller and writing the actions writing the action filters in a controller using the photo controller module 5: developing...
Fiore Rosalba

Curso de inglés national geographic interactivo nivel medio - a2-b1

Talking about abilities... parts of the body... predicting the future of cities... talking about improving your life... making your way through the airport...

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Inglés online: a2 con tutor en campus virtual oficial de la...

) using the past continuous and myself, yourself, etc... ? • agree to requests unit 9 objetivos: • tell anecdotes about things that went wrong using the past continuous...
English with Cambridge

Inglés online: a1 con tutor en campus virtual oficial de la...

• complete an application form • ask how about you? • use expressions like thanks or thank you gramática: • the verb be with i, you, and we in statements, yes-no...
English with Cambridge

Ingles profesional para turismo

the learner will practice the terms in the exercises and a record of their pronunciation will be generated to monitor the progress made and encourage reflection...
Escuela Europea de Formación Continua. EEFC.

Inglés online: b2 con tutor en campus virtual oficial de la...

Vocabulario: • expressions used in giving presentations (as you’ll see on the slide... ? to introduce a comment on what you’re going to say unit 3 objetivos: • talk...
English with Cambridge

Ingles autoestudio b1 universidad cambridge online

To introduce a statement and involve the other person in the topic ver más... to share experiences • use like informally in conversation unit 3 objetivos: • talk...
English with Cambridge

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